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Observer mechanism

This post was organized on May 20, 2019.

Purpose of the article

This post is written for the purpose of organizing data rather than delivering information, so it is not well organized.

I remember finding a solution to performance issues day and night in a project using AngularJs. Because of that experience, I sometimes look at how the observer mechanisms of libraries are implemented. Personally, I think VueJs's observer mechanism is the most ideal. This is a material that summarizes the observer mechanisms implemented by each library.

Table of contents

  • AngularJs
  • Angular
  • VueJs
  • React

Observer mechanism by library


First, I summarized why performance issues occurred in AngularJs.

AngularJs uses $digest loop to detect changes, and $digest loop checks the changes of the models registered in $watcher and executes the event handlers registered in $watcher when changed.

If the model changes, the $digest loop is executed again and this is called Dirty Checking. Performance issues occur in this process, and performance decreases sharply when using a lot of models and directives.


Vue 2.0 Reactivity in Depth

Vue 2.0 is implemented through Object.defineProperty. All properties passed through the data option are detected for changes through Object.defineProperty. However, there are limitations to Object.defineProperty.

- Only works on ES5 supported browsers
- Cannot detect property addition
- data cannot be declared as an array

Despite these drawbacks, all reactive properties are declared in advance and used as component state schemas, which is an advantage in terms of code maintenance. Detailed implementation can be found at Vue Mastery - Build a Reactivity System.

Vue 3.0 is implemented through Proxy.

- Property addition / deletion
- Array index / length mutation
- Map, Set, WeakMap, WeakSet
- Classes

In the video introducing Vue 3.0, Evan You explained the advantages of Proxy-based. It was possible to complement the drawbacks of Object.defineProperty, and the performance was improved. Evan You on Proxies seemed to show his intention to change.


Angular defineProperty search

From Angular, change detection was implemented through Object.defineProperty. And RxJs's Observable is implemented in Vanilla Js as Subject and Observable pattern.


React defineProperty search

React also implemented change detection through Object.defineProperty. The scope of application is events, input forms, Props, etc.


There is no official data on how Angular and React are implemented. So I wrote it through the process of checking the Github code.