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Clone functions depending on the case

This post was organized on December 2, 2019.

Purpose of the article

I often create and use a function that clones the state while handling immutability. There are various methods, and this is an article that summarizes what functions exist depending on the case.

Table of contents

  • JSON cloning
  • Array-Object cloning
  • Collection cloning

JSON cloning

This is a function that is used when using the type supported by JSON. It changes to a string and then parses it back to JSON.

const clone = json => JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(json))

Array-Object cloning

This is a function that is used to clone Arrays and Objects. Built-in objects such as Set, Map provided by ES6+ are not cloned.

Primitive types are returned immediately, and Arrays and Objects are cloned and returned. When there are more than 1000 items, the performance is better than JSON cloning.

const clone = objOrArr => {
  switch (true) {
    case isPrimitive(objOrArr):
      return objOrArr
    case Array.isArray(objOrArr):
      return cloneObject(objOrArr)
const isPrimitive = value => {
  switch (true) {
    case value === undefined:
    case value === null:
      return true
    case typeof value === 'object':
    case typeof value === 'function':
    case Number.isNaN(value):
      return false
      return true

const cloneObject = obj => {
  const cloned = Object.create(Object.getPrototypeOf(obj))
  for (const key in obj) {
    cloned[key] = clone(obj[key])
  return cloned

Collection cloning

This is a function that is used to clone Collection objects, including Map and Set, in ES6+. This is a function that adds the responsibility of handling Map and Set from Array-Object cloning.

const clone = value => {
  switch (true) {
    case isPrimitive(value):
      return value
    case isArray(value):
    case isMap(value):
      return new Map(value)
    case isSet(value):
      return new Set(value)
      return cloneObject(value)
const isPrimitive = value => {
  switch (true) {
    case value === undefined:
    case value === null:
      return true
    case typeof value === 'object':
    case typeof value === 'function':
    case Number.isNaN(value):
      return false
      return true
const isArray = target => Array.isArray(target)
const isMap = target => target instanceof Map
const isSet = target => target instanceof Set

const cloneObject = obj => {
  const cloned = Object.create(Object.getPrototypeOf(obj))
  for (const key in obj) {
    cloned[key] = clone(obj[key])
  return cloned
