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Distinguish between authentication and authorization

Authentication is Authentication in English, and authorization is Authorization in English. If you are not a developer, you may not use the terms related to login or permission management often, and the notation and meaning are similar in Korean and English, so sometimes they are confused.

Let's understand the meaning clearly through word analysis so that communication mistakes do not occur when collaborating with colleagues.


Authentication is a combination of 認(acknowledge) + 證(evidence) in Chinese characters. The interpretation is "to prove through an institution that an act was carried out in a legitimate procedure".

Authentication is Authentication in English. Authentication is a noun meaning "authenticated" of Authentic, Authentic is made by combining Auto (by oneself) + hen (doing something) + tic (certain state).

If you compare it to a service, when you say "only authenticated users can access the page", this means "only logged-in users can access the page".


Authorization is a combination of 認(acknowledge) + 可(allow) in Chinese characters. The interpretation is "to acknowledge and permit".

Authorization is Authorization in English. Authorization is a noun meaning "to grant authority or delegate" of Authorize, Authorize is made by combining author + ize.

If you compare it to a service, "only authorized users can access the channel" means "only users who have channel access permission can access the channel", and "unauthorized users" means "users who are logged in but do not have access permission".