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Points to decide on acceptance after the interview

After the interview, the applicant is decided to be accepted or rejected. At this time, the interviewer or the organization leader who participated in the interview together should summarize the reasons that can be accepted.

I divided it into two types: new/intern applicants and experienced applicants.

Points to judge new/intern applicants

When hiring new/interns, the applicant is judged by their competence and personality because they lack work experience. The points to judge are as follows:

  • Is the person good at development skills?
  • Does the person show fast growth potential from what they learned?
  • Is the person challenging and has a high chance of success from their activities?
  • Is the person proactive when doing projects?

Points to judge experienced applicants

When hiring experienced applicants, the applicant is generally judged by assuming that they are already colleagues because they have work experience. The points to judge are as follows:

  • Is the person someone who wants to work together in the company?
  • Is the person someone who is expected to work smoothly when collaborating?
  • Is the person someone who is expected to grow together?
  • Does the person have the technical knowledge that is expected for their years of experience?
  • Is the person someone who digs deep into the given problem?