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Technical Interview Process

In companies where hiring is frequent, the technical interview process is well established, and there are many people involved in hiring, so basic training is also done.

On the other hand, in small companies like startups or SMEs, hiring is done by a small number of people, and there is no process, so new hires may not receive training.

In this post, I will cover the technical interview process and purpose from the interviewer's perspective, and the script from the interviewer's perspective.

Process and Purpose

1. Interview Process Guide

  • This is an ice-breaking process for smooth conversation.
  • A brief explanation of the interview process is given so that all participants can think of the same context.

2. Applicant Self-Introduction

  • Most of them are the same as the self-introduction in the resume, so the meaning of listening to the self-introduction itself is low.
  • Self-introduction is a process to start questions naturally based on self-introduction.

3. Performance Verification

  • This is a process of verifying whether the information written on the applicant's resume is actually experienced.
  • It is necessary to check if there is any exaggerated history through questions.
  • For example, if you say you contributed to open source, but if you look closely, you may have modified a few words in the documentation file.

4. Pre-assignment or Technical Verification

  • If there is a pre-assignment, proceed with the pre-assignment and then perform technical verification.
  • You need to ask specifically why you did this for the pre-assignment and check if you did it yourself.
  • In technical verification, basic technical questions such as JavaScript, React, etc. are asked.
  • For experienced applicants, questions are also asked from the performance tasks, so the questions are simple.
  • For new or intern applicants, the performance tasks are relatively lacking, so the technical questions are also tightly viewed.

5. Receive questions from applicants

  • Receive questions from applicants about the company.
  • This is a process of checking whether the applicant is interested in the company's business or the project to be worked on.
  • You can check if the purpose is simply to increase your salary or go to a big company.

Interviewer Script

When I was an interviewer, I wrote a script to keep the process smooth and the flow uninterrupted. The following is a script that I actually used.

1. Interview Process Guide

Hello, Mr. Hong Gil-dong. Nice to meet you.
First of all, before starting the interview, I will proceed with the introduction of the interview process and us.
The interview will take about 60 minutes, and
I will proceed with the project-related questions first and then the technical questions.
I am Go Gil-dong, who will be conducting the interview today.
(Introduce colleague interviewer)

Before starting, I need to record the interview content, so please understand that there may be typing sounds or
the question may be interrupted for a moment.

2. Applicant Self-Introduction

Now I will start the interview in earnest.
Please introduce yourself mainly on the projects you have done.

(Listen to the applicant's self-introduction)
(Take notes of what you are talking about in your self-introduction and ask questions)

3. Performance Verification

Now I will ask you questions related to your performance.
(Proceed with performance-related questions)

4. Pre-assignment or Technical Verification

Now I will ask you pre-assignment/technical questions.
(Proceed with pre-assignment/technical questions)

5. Receive questions from applicants

We have finished all the questions we wanted to ask you.
Now you can ask us any questions or questions about the company.
(Proceed with applicant questions)

This concludes the interview.
Thank you for participating in the interview in the midst of your busy schedule.