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Book Review Series - This is the first time I learned how to work properly


『This is the first time I learned how to work properly』 | Mizuno Manabu / Ko Jeong-ah (trans.) | The Quest | March 12, 2020

One-line review

I recommend this book if you feel like your skills are not improving even though your years of experience are accumulating, and if you want to do well instead of working hard.


Chapter 1. Set the destination first

This chapter explains how to clearly define the purpose and goal of the work before starting it, and how to share it visually. It also tells you how to imagine the impact of the work's outcome on the future, and how to increase the resolution of the target.

Chapter 2. Draw a map to the destination

This chapter says that every work has a routine, that is, a habit, and that you need to create a routine to have some leeway. It also explains the concept of setting the direction of the work and the basic knowledge you need to know before starting the work.

Chapter 3. Find the shortest distance and run

This chapter emphasizes the importance of time management and the principle of deadlines. It also says that all work is put in a time box, and that you don't think about whether it's hard or fun. Finally, it tells you how to avoid schedule deviations.

Chapter 4. Empty your mind to focus on more important things

This chapter says that work goes well when you empty your mind. It tells you to avoid having 'balls' as much as possible, and how to maximize your productivity.

Chapter 5. It becomes perfect only when you move as a team

This chapter explains the importance of teamwork and effective communication. It says that sincere communication makes the team smooth, beyond being a team and becoming a colleague, and looking in the same direction. It also tells you about the leader's small tricks to make the process smooth.