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Book Review Series - Front-end development without frameworks


Francesco Strazzullo. 『Front-end development without frameworks』. Ryu Youngsun (trans.). Acon Publishing, 2021.

One-line review

It's a good way to understand the frameworks we use by following the method of making frameworks ourselves.

Frameworkless movement

This book covers two topics: how to work effectively without frameworks and how to choose the right framework for your project. The manifesto of this movement is posted on the official website.

One of the main interests is to help people understand that working without frameworks is truly possible and to make an effort to help them understand the importance of technical decision-making.

It does not claim that only the frameworkless option is right. Depending on the situation, it acknowledges that choosing the right framework can greatly help reduce development time and succeed in the project. It also explains how to choose the 'appropriate' framework according to systematic analysis and decision-making techniques.

About frameworks

What is a framework?

The relationship between code, framework, and library

What is a framework?

Technical debt

Ward Cunningham introduced the concept of technical debt. Technical debt means that the cost of changing existing features or adding new features increases exponentially over time.

Framework cost and technical investment

Frameworks already include costs in the architecture itself. But a framework chosen for a valid reason is an asset, not a cost.