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Manage your work history for your career

Why is it important to keep track of your work?

At the workplace I worked for, I wrote down my work performance at the end of each year and evaluated my performance. At the beginning of the next year, the results were announced, and the salary improvement rate and the opportunity for the next promotion changed depending on the performance.

In my first year, I didn't know anything, so I wrote whatever came to mind when it was time to write it. I wanted to grow a little more, and I tried to keep track of my work every month and be specific, because with promotions and professional level upgrades, more roles will be given to me.

Not everything is affected by this, but by the time he was in his ninth year, he had two early promotions and upgraded his job level to senior. Now, I'd like to share my experience.

How much does the head of the organization know about me?

The head of the organization that evaluates my work performance didn't know exactly what I was good at, what I had achieved, and what kind of career I wanted to have. One of the roles of an organization leader is to manage people, but most of them are the most busy and busy at work. That's why it's hard to talk about work unless it's performance management season, a 1:1 meeting, or a check-in meeting.

Depending on the size of the company, as well as my evaluation authority, the head of the organization will appeal to the higher level of the organization leader for my performance or promotion and give other colleagues a valid reason. Therefore, in the season of appealing work performance, it is necessary to appeal numerically and specifically to the head of the organization.

Reuse when changing jobs

Work history management is useful not only when appealing or promoting performance, but also when changing jobs. When you change jobs, you should write down the tasks you performed, and you should explain the tasks you performed during the interview. If you simply remember it in your head, it will be difficult to answer in the interview room, and if the answer is ambiguous, it will be difficult for the interviewers to verify it, so it will not be possible to know whether the work performed was done by this person.

So, how should I write my achievements?

The more specific and numerical the performance, the better. The outcome is to write what effect the solution has in the real world. If you write it abstractly, you can only be abstract about what effect you have brought. If you write it in detail, you can also know the effect in detail.

The achievement can be well evaluated when the achievement is about 110 ~ 150% rather than 100%. 100% performance is actually just doing what the company tells you to do, and it's the reward you received for your salary. Exceeding 110 ~ 150% is more than what you have received with your own efforts.

In order to overachieve, it is good to do what you are instructed to do well, but it is also good to do additional work. It is also good to do dissemination training to spread the skills learned to internal employees, or to improve productivity or improve the performance of services.


When it comes to managing my work history, I use this format.

Project name

1. Affiliation: Company name / Team or organization name
2. Period: YYYY.MM.DD ~ YYYY.MM.DD
3. Project overview
4. Skillset
5. Roles / Tasks / Results / Challenges

No. 5 can be written together or separately, depending on the amount of time you want to write.

Here, trial and error is to write down the problems I encountered through this project and how I solved them. Trial and error can only be understood by those who have experienced it firsthand, so they are often asked during interviews.

3 Use Cases

I picked up about 3 of them from what I wrote in my work.

Case 1: Project Completion Records

For the company I was working for at that time, it was also an important achievement to complete the project and put it into use. Therefore, I focused on what I did rather than numerical things.

PnP 2.0 Mobile: Android Platform Hybrid App Development
- Affiliation: Samsung Techwin Advanced Development Research Institute
- Period: [15 months] 13.10.01~2014.12.31

- 9 developers (6 from Samsung Electronics India Research Institute (SRIB), 3 from domestic workforce)
- Development of chip mounter device monitoring system
- Expansion of existing chip mounter monitoring system from desktop environment to mobile platform
  └ Applied Galaxy Note 1 / Galaxy Tab 10.1 as target mobile platforms

- ES5, HTML5, CSS3
- AngularJs / Bootstrap / node.js
- Cordova

Roles and tasks performed
- In charge of mobile UI markup, FE, BE development
- Development and internationalization of online help / hybrid app administrator site template
- Push service construction by introducing MQTT protocol
  └ Introduced because GCM cannot be used in the closed network within the factory
  └ Used node.js broker and websocket

Case 2: Cases with Figures

In this project, we documented specific ways to improve performance within the company and evaluated the value of the documents by applying them to actual operating services. So, I wrote a numerical representation of the performance improvement results in the pilot and the proportion of the entire document.

Performance Improvement Guide Document
- Affiliation: Kakao / FE Platform Team / Platform FE Part
- Period: 2021.04 ~ 2021.12

- 3 people in charge
- Writing an internal performance improvement guide document
- Consists of performance measurement method / performance indicator guide / improvement method / improvement case.
- Pilot conducted and deployed for the service target of the part within the team

Roles and tasks performed
- In charge of document writing and leading
- Wrote 58% of the entire document
- Led the pilot for the service target of the part within the team
  └ Conducted a pilot for Kakao Map Store Management / Emoticon Store
    └ Kakao Map Store Management
      1) Before improvement: Total Blocking Time (hereinafter TBT) was measured at 7.7 seconds.
      2) Improvement method: Applied Dynamic import and Lazy Loading of v-calendar.
      3) After improvement: Improved TBT to 0.49 seconds.
    └ Emoticon Store
      1) Before improvement: Time to Interactive (hereinafter TTI) was measured at 4.5 seconds, TBT at 3 seconds.
      2) Improvement method and result: Applied JS bundle size optimization (Code Spliting, minify) and execution time reduction (Intersection Observer, React.memo).
      3) After improvement: Improved TTI to 2.1 seconds, TBT to 0.77 seconds.
- Conducted internal open announcement

Case 3: If there are only figures

In the case of recruitment, the results of the recruitment were not important, so I appealed to how many cases I had done rather than writing specific content.

Recruitment work

- Affiliation: Kakao / FE Platform Team / Platform FE Part
- Period: 2021.01 ~ 2021.12
- Tasks performed
  - Summer internship
    └ Conducted 5 technical interviews
    └ Mentored 2 people
  - Experienced hire recruitment work
    └ Conducted 18 remote interviews
    └ Conducted 18 first-round technical interviews