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A Brief Summary of Software Life Cycle

When making software, we aim to proceed with the work in the order of software life cycle regardless of the scale. By proceeding in the order of the life cycle, we can use time efficiently.

1. Definition phase

  1. Planning
  2. Analysis: Define what the requirements are

2. Development phase

  1. Design: How to implement the requirements
  2. Development: The process of converting the requirements into a language that the system can understand
  3. Test: The process of verifying and confirming that the requirements are implemented correctly

3. Support phase

Operation: Bug fixes and feature additions after software deployment


Waterfall model

  • Proceed in the order of planning -> analysis -> design -> development -> test.
  • It is also used in software that is closely related to hardware such as manufacturing.

Iterative model

Proceed by repeating planning -> analysis -> design -> development -> test.

  • Incremental model
    • Develop and integrate feature bundles step by step
    • Example) Agile
  • Evolutionary model
    • Upgrade the completeness of the features every time they are released
    • Example) UP(Unified Process): Introduction -> Elaboration -> Construction -> Transition in 4 stages