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History and Definition of DOM Event

History of DOM Event

  • The DOM Event API was an attempt to logically standardize in DOM Level 2.
  • Before the revision of DOM Level 2, IE and Netscape adopted opposite event flow.
  • IE supported event bubbling, and Netscape supported event capturing.
  • Currently, both event flows are supported.

Definition of DOM Event

  • Responsible for interaction between javascript and HTML.
  • Listeners are executed only when events occur using the observer pattern.

Event Bubbling

  • It starts from the element that is located most deeply in the document tree in the event flow and goes up.
  • It looks like bubbles rising as it flows up from the element located most deeply.

Event Capturing

  • The event occurs first at the top node and last at the most explicit node.
  • Event capturing is designed to catch events before they reach the intended element.


  [event name],
  [call time true: capturing, false: bubbling]
const onLoad = () => {};
  onLoad ,